21ST  emergency  response​ battalion


Many of us have wondered what we can do to help in times of emergency or natural disaster. The men and women of the NEW YORK GUARD work together to perform valuable services for our Communities, our State and our Nation.

Service with the NEW YORK GUARD offers veterans the opportunity to utilize the skills they have acquired through their prior service and share it with others. Those with no prior military experience are welcomed and provided with the training they will need to allow them to serve alongside these veterans.

• OPPORTUNITY: Serve your country, your state,and your community while still maintaining your civilian job and lifestyle.

• TRAINING: Develop skills that will allow you to work alongside civilian and military organizations during emergency activations.

• SECURITY: Know that your job is protected by law when you serve under orders during state emergency activations.

• PRIDE: Wear your country's uniform as a member of New York State's Homeland Defense Team

The Time is Now!






​E-MAIL: BRADBRAY.NYGUARD@GMAIL.COMType your paragraph here.